Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What Did You Do With Your Summer Vacation? 7 Days to a Better Edublog - Day 3: Discussion Question Posts

What Did You Do With Your Summer Vacation?

As a teacher, one of my favorite times of the year is summer vacation!  Not just because I don't have to go to school every day, but it gives me the opportunity to attend interesting, and sometimes fun conferences and professional development opportunities.

This summer I traveled to ISTE 2010 in  Denver Colorado the last week in June. This is the favorite conference that I've ever attended.  I've been to two, NECC 2008 in San Antonio, TX as well as this year in Denver.  If you are into technology, getting in touch with your PLN in person, Edublogging, 21st Century Technologies, this is a must for you!

Last week, for 2 days,  our School District offered some addtional Apple Macintosh advanced level training.

This week I'm at The University of Texas attending The MD Anderson Environmental Summer Science Institute 2010.

While writing this blog post here is the question that came to me and I thought I would put it out there and ask anyone interested in responding to it is:

  1. What Did You Do with YOUR Summer Vacation?
  2. Have you attended any interesting or worthwhile summer professional devleopment?
  3. What was your best summer profesional development or conference you attended this year?

Note: I'm participating in a mini-course on writing a better Edublog.  7 Days To A Better Edublog offered by Stephanie Standifer who blogs at The Change Agency. It should prove to be an interesting week. 

I am also at the University of Texas attending the MD Anderson Summer Science Institute through Thursday and trying to find the time to adequately work on both will be a challenge. So, this is the first installment for the mini-course.


Mr. M said...

While I'll probably never make it to an ISTE conference in "person", I do so look forward to the on-line offerings for virtual attendees. These have increased in scope and number over the last few years what with EduBloggerCon and ISTE Unplugged. In fact, I am still participating in ISTE 2010 now that some of the sessions have been added to the ISTE Vision Network. So Thanks to a whole lot of generous folks willing to share, it has been a busy summer even though I've remained here in Pensacola, FL,

John Peters said...

Mr. M;

Thanks for the comment! You might want to consider the "Send a Newbie to ISTE" program that Beth Still started. You never know:

There is a link to the project. There has already been a "Newbie" chosen for ISTE 2011 in Philly next year but who knows, you might be one of the ones consdiered for ISTE 2012 in San Diego!

EduBloggerCon and the ISTE Vision Network are fantastic resources as you already know. I got to attend Edubloggercon twice, this year in Denver and in 2008 in San Antonio. For me, the connections and face-to-face meet-ups with the folks in my PLN was the highlight of the conference for me!

David Russell said...

This summer has already seen a number of great professional development opportunities for me and it's not even over yet. I too attended ISTE which was great and I enjoyed a number of sessions I experienced. Likewise, I am participating in the 7 Days to a Better Edublog which has reignited my desire to grow my blog and PLN. Both of those were/are powerful and enriching although the most has been my attendance to the Tointon Institute Principal Leadership Academy.

Currently, I am back at work designing professional development experiences for our teachers who will get to have their own conference at the end of August. Next week however, I will be attending the CASE (Colorado Association for School Executives) convention in Breckenridge which is a very high quality experience as well.

John Peters said...


Wow, what a great comment, thank you!

I wish that we, as a school district, would offer professional development which focuses on Developing a PLN. That would be fantastic!

It also sounds like you too, have had a busy but rewarding summer.